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My Journey

I have always been interested in spirituality & understanding what that meant for me. However, I think it really became centre stage for me when I became a Mother. As with most women I lost my sense of self outside of that role. Through a lot of podcasts on walks to get my daughter to sleep, I discovered a world of beautiful holistic practices. Truly I felt a sense of coming home, I wanted to know everything about every possible spirItual/holistic treatment ever invented. The one that I instantly knew was for me was Reiki. I have always felt auras & energy fields so I trained to be a Reiki master.

I am also an intuitive tarot reader. 


Since January 2023 I have been holding space for women to come together in circle & have created the most wonderful community. I hold these once a month around the full moon. We share, hold, listen & most of all care for each other. 

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